
A place for boldness and creativity

澳门威利斯网站的学校是一个运动和行动、合作和承诺的地方. 我们不断创新,不断适应——既适应我们社区的需求,也适应世界的需求.

Miss Hall’s has provided, since our founding in 1898, 卓越的学术教育和发展人类经验核心价值的机会:真实性, respect, honor, and growth. 从一开始,我们的学生就成为共同利益的大胆和创造性的贡献者.

History and future

These values were embodied in our founder, Mira Hinsdale Hall, a young Latin teacher in Central Massachusetts. 20年后,美国宪法第19条修正案才赋予她投票权, 米拉·霍尔设想了一些激进的东西:一个女孩得到她们应得的高质量教育的世界.

Mira Hall in 1935

所以,在1898年,她做了一件大胆的事:她创办了一所学校. As one might expect, it wasn’t easy — according to her niece, 澳门威利斯网站"除了年轻之外,几乎没有什么资本就开始了她的冒险, 她要建一所最好的学校的决心, and the strong idealism which directed her.但是,她的智慧、坚强的意志和良好的幽默感战胜了一切:学校越来越强大.

Miss Hall’s convictions were tested early on, 1923年2月一个寒冷的早晨,学校被大火夷为平地,当时的一篇新闻报道称,“除了烟囱和浴缸,什么都没有留下。.” It would have been easy to walk away, 但澳门威利斯网站加倍下注,将毕生积蓄投入重建. 学校继续在校外上课,第二年“新”学校开学了.

我们营造一个开放可能性的环境,鼓励个人追随和探索他们的激情, take initiative and advocate for themselves, and be leaders.

Class of 2024

澳门威利斯网站的另一个宗旨在125年的历史中定义了我们:致力于向与我们不同的人学习. A 1932 article in The Berkshire Eagle 报纸称赞澳门威利斯网站的这一与众不同之处:“(澳门威利斯网站)觉得一所从全国和世界不同地区招收学生的学校会给学生们更广阔的人生观. 她没有偏离她在1898年制定的道路. 如今她的学生来自世界各地,这一事实证明了她的想法是正确的.” They still do.

Today, 澳门威利斯网站仍然秉承着米拉·霍尔的愿景,并赋予女孩们使用自己声音的权利, be their authentic selves, and become bold, creative contributors to the common good.

Quick facts

  • 192 students enrolled — 72% boarding, 28% day
  • 38% of our student body is international, coming from 24 countries; domestic students come from 10 states
  • 我们所有的学生都继续升入高等学府. From the Class of 2023, 27%的毕业生接受了Early Decision, 72%的毕业生接受了Early Action.
  • We are accredited by the NEASC

Our Mission

Miss Hall’s School inspires and encourages each girl to pursue the highest standards of learning and character; to contribute boldly and creatively to the common good; and to seek a purposeful life based on honor, respect, growth, and personal authenticity.

MHS Core Competencies

澳门威利斯网站的使命和价值观的指导下, our graduates demonstrate the following core competencies:

VISION is the willingness to dream, imagine possibilities, conceive bold and ambitious goals, and set a course to achieve them.

VOICE 表达想法的能力是真实和自信的吗. 有发言权的年轻女性表现出正直, communicate effecitvely, confidently advocate and negotiate, and demonstrate and command respect.

INTERPERSONAL EFFICACY 同理心、自我意识和文化能力是三者的交集吗. 具有人际关系效能的年轻女性能够轻松应对不同的环境,同时保持性格的一致性,并建立牢固的关系和网络.

GUMPTION 是寻求挑战和从失败中成长的精神和性格的力量吗. 有进取心的年轻女性愿意冒险去创造改变, practice self-reflection, 把追求最好的自己和追求完美的压力区分开来.

Strategic design

我们的战略计划概述了指导我们项目发展的原则. It prioritizes students at all times, 此外,他们还希望根据学生的需要定期重新设计澳门威利斯网站, student interest, and world events. Four areas have been our focus:

  • Innovative programs that emphasize intellectual pursuit, development of our core competencies, and personalized, experiential learning tailored to girls
  • An inclusive community 这种价值观认为多样性对学习和解决问题至关重要, as a means to discovery and personal growth, 作为培养同理心和文化能力的环境
  • 致力于参与、服务和领导 加强学院与本地和全球社区之间的联系,为学生提供发现激情和影响力的机会
  • 一种适应、协作和卓越的文化 that enables the School to address challenges, maximize opportunities for growth, 并在不断变化的教育环境中保持敏捷

MHS through the years

照片由著名摄影师Clemens Kalischer拍摄, 从1958年到20世纪70年代中期,谁拍摄了MHS学生和澳门威利斯网站的照片.


Our leadership team

  • David Hopkins P’24, P’27, Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management: dhopkins@sh-fyz.com

My friends are now captains of sports teams, volunteers at local organizations, and helping hands in the community. Most of all, they are the embodiment of boldness.

Class of 2023

Board of Trustees

澳门威利斯网站学院由一个由30名成员组成的董事会管理,以确保学院的长期可持续性. 这个由校友、家长和朋友组成的团体每年聚会四次.

Nancy Gustafson Ault ’73, President, Damariscotta, Maine
Laura H. Harris ’74, Vice President, Vero Beach, Florida
Suzanne Wilson ’64, Vice President, Big Timber, Montana
Katie Grace Deane ’05, Clerk, Medford, Massachusetts
Mary Kay Kosnik P’15, Treasurer, Darien, Connecticut
Mariel Beasley ’02, Durham, North Carolina
Martha D. Bullock ’81, Portland, Maine
Reginald Canal P’21, Maplewood, New Jersey
Lee Carbonelli ’95, Bradenton, Florida
Susan Danish, New York, New York
Angela W. Fowler ’73, New York, New York
Rebecca Hajjar ’89, Brookline, Massachusetts
Camille Jackson ’90, Durham, North Carolina
Herbert “Pete” Jaques, Jr., Lambertville, New Jersey
Melissa Kilby, Hickory, North Carolina
Susan P. O’Day ’77, Boston, Massachusetts
Nancy Brewster Paternotte, 1965年,马里兰州巴尔的摩市
Steven Shindler P’15, Darien, Connecticut
Sarah Richardson Straley ’71, Tampa, Florida
Elizabeth Zeigler, Cranford, New Jersey
Yiyan Zhou ’91, Brookline, Massachusetts

Emeritus Trustee Advisory Council

Lee Auchincloss Link ’61, New York, New York
Jacqueline B. Mars ’57, McLean, Virginia
Bonnie Campbell Perkins ’57, Denver, Colorado
Stacey Sotirhos ’89, New York, New York
Theresa S. Thompson ’64, Lewisburg, West Virginia
Robin Brown Woods ’58, Darien, Connecticut

Learn more about our home, 位于东北的文化中心之一, and take a virtual tour

Explore the campus

我们的表现艺术系允许学生探索分享他们的声音和想法的新方式-音乐, theater, and visual art

See how our students express themselves